Monday, November 5, 2012

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The cause of rib pain is usually easy to diagnose when it's a rib injury. But rib pain can also be caused by a number of diseases or disorders. When this is the case, the root of the problem can be  difficult to diagnose. In this article, we'll cover some that are obvious, but we'll also endeavor to describe some rib pain causes that are not widely known to the general public.

First on the list will be rib pain from a rib injury.

Fractured (Broken) or Cracked Ribs - Pain from a cracked or broken rib is generally sharp and extremely severe. Some people who have had broken or cracked ribs say it was the worst pain they'vePandora Charms On Sale   ever felt. Rib fractures occur most frequently because of a blow to the body during athletic competition, a fall, or an auto accident. The simple act of drawing a breath becomes uncomfortable and possibly even painful. Any movement of the upper body will probably produce sharp pain. The injured area will probably also be sore and sensitive to touch.

Cartilage Injury - The soft tissue that connects your breastbone to your ribs is called cartilage. Besides facilitating the expansion and contraction of your chest during breathing, it also gives your ribcage the flexibility to absorb a certain amount of force from a blow. When you have cartilage damage, the pain feels similar to the pain of a cracked rib. Pandora Beads Cheap Laughing and coughing will cause discomfort. Taking a deep breath will hurt, and an unexpected sneeze can be particularly unpleasant.

Soft Tissue Damage - The area around your ribcage consists of dozens of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Such soft tissues can be damaged by stretching or straining: lifting, pushing or pulling a weight that's too heavy for you falls into this category. Executing the same motion repeatedly for a long period of time can also injure this type of tissue (this is generally called a "repetitive motion" injury). The resulting pain can easily be mistaken for rib pain or rib damage.

There are a number of bone and joint conditions that cause forms of rib pain. Some of the more common include the following.

Joint inflammation - As we get older, joint inflammation becomes more and more likely. When joints near the ribs become inflamed, the pain can feel like it's happening in your ribcage. There are two conditions that are especially common.

Osteoarthritis - There are many places in the body that can be affected by osteoarthritis, including the area where the ribs connect to the sternum and the spine.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - This is a so-called "auto-immune disorder," which means your body's immune system has turned Pandora Bracelet On Sale   on itself. It attacks your joints, resulting in inflammation and irritation. When this happens in joints and connections around the ribs, it causes pain in the ribs.

Some relatively common diseases and illnesses are also characterized by rib pain. Among them are the following.

Pleurisy - Medical professionals call the lining between the lungs and the ribs the "pleura." When this lining becomes inflamed, the general area of the chest and ribcage will hurt. Rib pain from pleurisy can be intense, and simply inhaling and exhaling can be be uncomfortable.

Pneumonia - Chest discomfort and pain in the ribcage area is one of the characteristic indicators of pneumonia. Breathing can be difficult, and laughing, sneezing or coughing can be downright painful.

Tuberculosis - Painful ribs is one of the many symptoms of tuberculosis, along with coughing, fever and fatigue.

Chest pain and soreness in the ribcage area are also characteristic symptom of several kinds of cancer, especially multiple myeloma and lung cancer. Rib pain is a symptom in 4 out of 5 myeloma cases.

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