Wednesday, November 7, 2012

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There are a number of different components that make up the J2EE suite of applications and creating enterprise  solutions. Here are some of the most popular technologies used to build J2EE applications:

JSP or Servlets: J2EE technology uses JSP or Servlets to create applications either directly or indirectly. Servlets are being used for a longer period of time and JSP was launched to counter its competitor ASP from Microsoft.

EJB or also known as Enterprise Java Beans is one of the most popular and extensively used J2EE technology. EJB offers all the solutions required for enterprise application development including remote access, instant pooling, declarative transactions etc. to the J2EE developers.

JMS and JNDI: JMS or known as Java Messaging Service provides synchronized communication between various Java objects while Java Naming and Directory Interface is one of the core components and is primarily used by EJB.

J2EE is a multi platform that supports both language and web services and therefore makes it a popular option for mostJava application development solutions. A number of different kinds of applications can be designed for e-learning, online polls, Pandora Jewelry e-commerce, Java based applications, or services to create customized advanced applications. Users would certainly agree that the. Read Article

Manage Everything Centrally with SharePoint

In any organizational setup it becomes often necessary to share files, documents and such associated stuffs among different workgroups at different levels. For those who think. There are many computer programs out. Read Article

iPhone Applications: Adding the Extra Value and Oomph to.

iPhone is one of the best gadgets available in the market today and many people are willing to buy it or are already using it due to the vast range of applications it offers. Read Article

Advantages and Disadvantages of Java

Benefits of Java Java is a programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems to counter the popularity of Microsoft who seemed to be slowly bite into Sun Microsystems. Read Article

Information about the Latest Cheap Pandora Jewelry   Framework for JAVA Application

There are a number of different frameworks available to support the workings of web applications, websites, and web services. A couple of frameworks supporting Java Application. Read Article

Introduction of Telecommunication Software

Introduction of Telecommunication Software Telecommunications software is a type of software package that assists in facilitating electronic communications especially those. Read Article

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